25 Apr What will "they" think?
“Well if I do this, what will they think?” “They would not approve!”
Listen to conversations through out the day and pay attention for how many times people use “they” or better yet, when YOU say or think it. Who are the mysterious “they” anyway? Are they a secret group who pay attention to our every move? Are they the morality police? Know the only way to think, act or be? Or a figment of our imagination.
When you worry about, or worse yet, change who you are to placate the “they’s” out there, you are in for heart ache. There is no way to poll “they” anyway and what you think “they” are thinking is likely an assumption on your part. Most of the time you are likely wrong about “they’s” assessment that others care or even notice what you do. People are too busy caught up in their own lives and if “they” are so interested in yours… well way to go! you are interesting.
What others think of us is really none of my our business because it is not important. Now, that does not give you permission to go around being a total jerk but it frees up your energy to take care of yourself and focus on what is best for you. Worry is a wasted emotion.
I used to TRY so hard to be what I thought people wanted me to be, to be nice, to be liked and I was exhausted. I didn’t know who I was on any given day. This was no ones fault, it was all my choice to not honor myself and give away my power.
After I came out as a Medium, I was really afraid of what “they” would think. Over the years, I have been judged and I will admit it, did bother me especially when it came from friends. I didn’t put my credence, ok none, when someone would mail me a DVD with no return address on how I am evil. Judgement from the known and unknown “they’s” has helped me understand who I am and I can handle what others think of me.
Once I freed up that energy to be who God made me to be, the anxiety energy has disseminated immensely and I feel so close to being the person I was born to be. Once you own who you are 24x7x365, you will attract those authenic people who really care about who you are as a person, a soul and not just what they can get out of you.
If that doesn’t resonate, try this…We all want to be polite and respectful right? So the next time you care about what will “they” think… remind yourself that what anyone thinks about you is really none of your business
#KristenMarchusHemstad #Medium #whatpeoplethinkofmeisnoneofmybusiness